While my hubs was in NOLA, I had my two nieces over for a little girls sleep over. It was a fun filled night full of painting, pedicures, and pizza (homemade, of course)! ♥
Anyone of my friends will tell you that I am ALWAYS the girl with the camera. I knew I love to take pictures but it was in 2007 that I realized I truly have a passion for photography. There is something to be said about a picture; it usually tells a story. Christmas 2007 I BEGGED "Santa" for a fancy photographers camera and he pulled through!! Since then I have not been able to put the thing down! I have not had any classes in photography. Everything I have done is just by experience and playing around with Photoshop Software. I get alot of help from photographer friends as well!
I have been married for two years to my husband Nick. We are expecting our first child in March 2010 and cannot wait to make our family complete.
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